Be the hero of your own story

When your head and actions are aligned with your heart and you freely express your whole, true self, the health of your business and everyone you influence improves dramatically.

Moving to the next level in your business and in all things, rests upon your willingness and earnest commitment to allow for this congruence.

Every story needs a hero. In your story, it’s YOU. Your new story is waiting to be born, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, musing with me about writing your story together. It’s my role to take you by the hand, guide you towards a better story, encourage you to breathe life into it, then work with you as you step into it and try it on for size. Exciting stuff YES?


Who works with me?


who understands her and her team need assistance and want clarity in realizing their collective purpose.

A Media Group owner

who becomes curious and sincere in elevating the dialogue and impact with client partners.

A Manufacturing firm

who opens to the possibility there’s more to the customer and employee experience than systems, processes, and procedures; a great deal more.

An Executive Producer

who longs for harmony on her set and with the powers that be.

A retired President

proud of his life’s work and completely unsure of the ways in which he best contributes next.

Relationships are built.

Schedule a call

Does any of this resonate with you?

Does any of this resonate with you? I would love to hear more about your story. In my work, I ask nothing of clients I have not first done myself. And I know this for sure:

If you’re open, if you show up to the work, I can help you and your organization get to where you need and want to go. I make that promise to myself just as I make that promise to you. All it takes is the first step.

Experience & Passion







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The Value of Mindfulness & Leadership Through Storytelling


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Angela Moonan Executive Coach