Monthly Archives: November 2023

WOW: Word of the Week for Better Choices is Discernment

word of the week for living well today with angela moonan is discernment

Discernment: It’s in the day-to-day choices that we create balance, that we change our lives for the better. Hello, it’s WOW – Word of the Week time, and I love this word. I use it often. I don’t hear others use it very often, and we all could definitely benefit from the ACTION of it […]

What can you do when you triggered?

angela moonan executive coach workplace wellness getting triggered and what to do next living well today

Are you getting triggered? Welcome to everyone’s world right now! Everyone, everywhere in the world right now is experiencing the same thing. We are getting triggered by the littlest things. And our reactions are WAY BIGGER than the actual trigger itself. I’m not talking now of the mass wars and areas of conflict in the […]

WOW: Word of the Week will LIGHTEN you up!

word of the week from angela moonan for living well today is ILLUMINATE

WOW: Word of the Week Time! Hello! WOW: it’s Word of the Week time. Each week I offer some quick insights, something that might help you light up your day, light up your week for easier living, more joy and influence in a positive way for both yourself and your life and the quality of […]

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