WOW: Word of the Week will LIGHTEN you up!

word of the week from angela moonan for living well today is ILLUMINATE

WOW: Word of the Week Time!

Hello! WOW: it’s Word of the Week time. Each week I offer some quick insights, something that might help you light up your day, light up your week for easier living, more joy and influence in a positive way for both yourself and your life and the quality of life for those you touch around you.

At Home and at Work

At home and at work you can use these ‘Words of the Week’ to help shift your focus, which shifts the story. It’s all about empowering you to take the wheel of your story. Our words are an expression of our thoughts, just like our feelings are. They’re all intricately tied together. And words carry energy. They have the power to expand your story – and therefore YOU – which is why we’re here… to EXPAND in all ways good and wonderful.


So the word of the week this week is (drum roll please)…. lol


illuminate, illuminate, bring light to, shine a light on. And I think in the world that we’re living in, illumination, enlightening, lightening UP, is more important than ever. And so how do you illuminate a conversation? How do you illuminate a topic? How do you illuminate within a relationship? Or for someone who needs lifting up? You go inward. It’s always an inside job. So you cultivate your own ease. You cultivate the things that bring you joy.

What makes you smile?

Think about the things that make you smile, that light you up. And as you walk in the world, see this week, all this week, if you can illuminate the conversation, bring levity to, bring lightness to the conversation. Bring your energy that’s resourceful, that’s kind and generous. Offer your attention, offer your light. Offer your love. Light is really love at its very essence.

So wishing you much illumination, enlightenment this week. May the sun shine brightly in whatever corner of the world that you’re in, and let your own light shine ever so brightly for all the best and living well… today.



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