Monthly Archives: June 2022


word of the week angela moonan magnificent

Ready to level up your business? 🙂 Your work? Your life? Are you ready for a more MAGNIFICENT journey? ​Hello and Welcome to Living Well… Today! Sharing a wonderful word with you today, and that word is MAGNIFICENT! Beyond beautiful, truly special, amazing to behold. It’s Magnificent! Typically, when you say the word, not only does it conjure […]

WOW! Word of the Week: Let a Little Magic Into Your Life

the power of believing law of attraction the magic of belieivng angela moonan Let A Little or A Lot of Magic Into Your Life – Hello and Welcome to Living Well… Today! Words have power. How much power do they possess?  A word like MAGIC? When you really FEEL it in your body… can transform the moment at the snap of your finger. It’s WOW – Word […]

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