word of the week angela moonan magnificent

Ready to level up your business? 🙂 Your work? Your life? Are you ready for a more MAGNIFICENT journey?

​Hello and Welcome to Living Well… Today!

Sharing a wonderful word with you today, and that word is MAGNIFICENT! Beyond beautiful, truly special, amazing to behold. It’s Magnificent! Typically, when you say the word, not only does it conjure up feelings of bigness, expansiveness, but also reveling in the wonder of what it is that you’re beholding. You feel it when you say the word, you feel your body opening up. You can feel it in your body. MAGNIFICENT! That’s magnificent!

Creating Outside of You What You’re Feeling Inside of You

It’s very difficult to be in a down state or sad state when you say the word Magnificent. And maybe if you’re not feeling so great, by the third or fourth time you say it, you start to feel things lift and open. That’s the power of words. Putting energy to a particular thought in that way, manifesting the word outside of you so you can hear it and feel it. Most importantly, FEELING it! So if you yourself want to feel MAGNIFICENT, LARGER than life, expansive, larger in scope and scale and beautiful to behold, say the word, try it.

Try It You’ll Like it!

Try it on a few different things. Try it right now! Stand UP! Outstretch your arms, lift your eyes to the sky and say “I’m MAGNIFICENT!” IT FEELS SO GOOD! You’ll feel you open up YOU. You will feel more wonderful, more magnificent. That is my hope for you with the word of the Week.

Walk in magnificence today and always for living well today.

All the Very Best!


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