Category Archives: Coaching

From Burnout to Balance: Regaining Well-being and Energizing Your Work Life

from burnout to balance for leaders and employees

From Burnout to Balance: Regaining Well-being and Energizing Your Work Life Energizing Your Work Life Burnout is more than just an occasional feeling of being overwhelmed; it’s a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. […]

Aligning With Your Higher Self

angela moonan align your head and heart and alignment with your higher self for living well today

This is a true true story: Two mornings ago I had one of those 4 AM dreams where you wake up and it’s close to morning, but not late enough to get up yet… So you fall back to sleep – and when I did I had a dream. I dreamed I was dancing with […]

WOW: Integration

integration head and heart alignment with angela moonan and the harmoney method

Hello! I am Angela for Living Well today, and it’s Word of the Week time. This week between Christmas and New Year’s, it’s always kind of a fun time. So many people are step away from their work and relax a little bit and recuperate after the Christmas or Hanukkah season. This word, I just […]

What Does It Mean to Be Mindful?

Word of the Week is MINDFUL 💙 Being present, intentional, understanding that all of your true power is right here right now, in this moment. It’s a word you’ve probably seen a lot in headlines lately. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on LinkedIn or Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Time Magazine. It’s everywhere. And that is […]

Higher Vibes: Be a Tuning Fork for God

higher vibes be a tuning fork for God angela moonan living well today

Welcome to Living Well… Today. Hi, and welcome to Living Well Today. I’m Angela Moonan. I have shared a lot of my music over the years and the things that make me sing, things that make me whistle. My daughter’s always irritated with how much I’m whistling I do! lol I’m not conscious of it […]

Seeing with New Eyes

Discovery is not always about seeking new horizons. It’s about seeing with new eyes. ​Hi and Welcome! Welcome to my backyard. We were doing some filming today, including some storytelling around some really wonderful tools that we use for well-being. You may know that I use certain mindfulness tools in the workplace and resources in […]

Nature is the Best Medicine

angela moonan nature is the best medicine for living well today Nature Is The Best Medicine Welcome to Living Well Today. I’m Angela Moonan, and you’re going to be seeing me more and more in nature as I am finding my way, like everyone is, toward my better self. Nature has always played a central role in my life; even since I was a little […]

WOW! Word of the Week is Fascinating!

word of the week angela moonan fascinating

It’s WOW Time! Word of the Week starts with a question this week… What’s More Empowering? What feels more empowering? To be Frustrated ? or to be… FASCINATED When something’s fascinating you lean in, you take notice, you open up to learning something new. So whether with your employees, or a family member, or just […]

Finding Ease in the Uncertainty

angela moonan finding ease in the uncertainty

Hi! There’s a wonderful saying that says, “When we no longer know what to do, we’ve come to our real work. And when we no longer know which way to go, we’ve begun our real journey.” And there are a lot of us, including myself that, lately especially, feel like we’re in this “in-between place.” Maybe there are aspects […]

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