Tag Archives: alignment

Aligning With Your Higher Self

angela moonan align your head and heart and alignment with your higher self for living well today

This is a true true story: Two mornings ago I had one of those 4 AM dreams where you wake up and it’s close to morning, but not late enough to get up yet… So you fall back to sleep – and when I did I had a dream. I dreamed I was dancing with […]

WOW: Integration

integration head and heart alignment with angela moonan and the harmoney method

Hello! I am Angela for Living Well today, and it’s Word of the Week time. This week between Christmas and New Year’s, it’s always kind of a fun time. So many people are step away from their work and relax a little bit and recuperate after the Christmas or Hanukkah season. This word, I just […]

Higher Vibes: Be a Tuning Fork for God

higher vibes be a tuning fork for God angela moonan living well today

Welcome to Living Well… Today. Hi, and welcome to Living Well Today. I’m Angela Moonan. I have shared a lot of my music over the years and the things that make me sing, things that make me whistle. My daughter’s always irritated with how much I’m whistling I do! lol I’m not conscious of it […]

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