Word of the Week: Realize on this very special day

lions gate potal manifestation word of the week with angela moonan

It is word of the Week time and a very special day today. It’s an 8 8 8 day because 2024 adds up to eight, and all is math – between sacred geometry and Pythagoras. And you look at the Fibonacci number sequences, and you find them in seashells, in flower petals, and in the configuration of the planets and the constellations. So, the root of everything is math and geometry. But today is 8, 8, 8. I know it’s 2024, but it’s an 8, 8 8, the lion’s gate portal, which is a potent alignment with Sirius and the stars and planets. Energy. Could you just take it at this? It’s a big energy day. So the word of the week is realized and can be exchanged with manifest.

A lot of people talk about manifest and manifestation and realize; I more often use the word realize, bring into being, bring into awareness, bring forth, and shine a light on materialize. And so today on this very powerful, energetic day of setting intentions and manifesting and realizing, get very clear about your intentions today. What is in your heart’s desire, express it as specifically as you can, and ensure that you include for the benefit, not only of yourself but the benefit of all for the highest purpose, for the highest good use of your talents, your energy, and your love. And I wish you all that and more today on this special day. Much love and blessings to you. I hope you realize all that you dream of.

All the Best,



#lionsgateportal #lionsgate #888 #wordoftheweek #livingwelltoday

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