Monthly Archives: September 2024

ChooseWELL: Workplace Well-being “Well-being is the New Wealth”

having sunshine on your face in the morning is important for your well being

Welcome to the Energy Economy: Where Well-being is the New Wealth The world is transforming from the old paradigms of success, where financial capital reigned supreme, to a new era where the true currency is well-being. We have entered what can be termed the “Energy Economy,” where people’s vitality, health, and well-being are recognized as […]

WOW: PAX (Peace) A Three-Step Process to Peace

three steps to peace pax with angela moonan

Creating a space between action and reaction, cause and effect… can change your life. This video has three steps as we make our way towards PAX (Peace). Step One: Pause Step Two: Pose (power pose) 2 minutes Step Three: PAX then you have peace You’ll be more resourceful and the situation just will seem to […]

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