Change: Going and Growing

going and growing through change

going and growing through changeAs I move on to my new home I’m so grateful for the memories created here at my place on Park. Thankful for this incredible space that allowed me to bloom in my own time and my own way, it gave us warm and beautiful shelter. It was a place of transformation in so many different ways. So it’s natural that the move has a bit of sadness and letting go to it.

Letting go of the familiar is not so easy sometimes. Yet allowing NEW space for your next chapter is so all-important – going and growing go hand-in-hand.

Where are YOU on the spectrum of CHANGE?

Do you embrace it or … do all you can to avoid it?

Your ability to see the beauty of change, to allow it rather than resist it, allows your business, your employees, your customers/clients to bloom right alongside with you. Resist it, and business and the world you inhabit shall only feel smaller and smaller.

Are you ready to BLOOM? Because I believe this is gonna’ be YOUR YEAR!


All the best is wished for you!



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