The State of Becoming

angela moonan mckenna moonan new york city

Angela Moonan, Corporate Storyteller

angela moonan mckenna moonan new york city“Tell me the facts and I’ll learn. Tell me the truth and I’ll believe. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.” 
– Native American proverb

Leadership is an inside job. Soft power is on the rise. The chance to integrate hearts with minds in the business world is becoming a greater reality with each passing day. We live in exciting times indeed!

True story
Last week my daughter came home from an after-school meeting with her guidance counselor. The purpose of the meeting was to review McKenna’s college checklist and ensure she had her ducks in a row for graduation. The guidance counselor said “McKenna, I want to remind you that once you get to college you’ll be living in the real world with real world responsibilities.” My daughter, who’s a high honors student, photographer, babysitter, and all-around great young adult replied  “I empathize with your position however with respect, what world have I lived in these last eighteen years?”

We live in the real world from the time we’re born. This I’ve taught my daughter. I applaud her for her forthrightness and for suggesting to the high school guidance counselor to consider a new, slightly different point of view. When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. As Corporate Storyteller that’s my desire… to help leaders consider the world through a more integrated, empowering lens.

Story is at the heart of who we are, where we’ve been, and where we’re going. When consciously woven through the fabric of our organizations, story becomes the golden thread that binds together the magic inside the company, with the world outside its’ walls. Has the world changed in the last year? The last week? What we know for sure, is that change remains our constant, true north.

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