WOW: Paradox

paradox the meaning as a word of the week with angela moonan

Hi, I’m here in my hometown and near my hometown in upstate New York, and it’s a beautiful day. It’s one of my favorite spots in Franklin Square, and I’m doing a word of the week from here, which is really lovely. The word of the week is something you may not know; you’ve seen the word, and you may or may not know what it means. It’s not a word that people often use in everyday conversation, but it’s an underlying theme throughout our lives, and that is a paradox. The word of the week is PARADOX.

Paradox means that what is otherwise seemingly contradictory – two different thoughts or concepts is seemingly conflicting on the surface. And yet, when you look deeper, there’s this underlying truth, this nuance, this deeper meaning that asks you to believe. Both let conflicting things on the surface and conflict reside within you with ease and peace, allowing those two truths to be.


And when you can begin to embrace paradox, life gets easier. It just gets easier. An example of this very simple day-to-day paradox is a restaurant. You go into a restaurant, can you imagine if the menu had 200 choices on it? You’d be overwhelmed, anxious, or not pick, or whatever you picked, you might feel a loss like you picked the wrong thing. So there’s this thought on the surface that choices are really good, that the more choices, the better. But the truth is the paradox. The nuance of it is that more than unlimited choice is needed. It creates chaos. So, the refinement of that down to fewer and fewer choices can often be the most empowering thing. So, as you walk through your week, think about the things that on the surface may feel conflicting, and you say, how can that be that? No, it has to be one; one has to be right, and one has to be wrong. It’s black and white. It’s never black and white, not on most things. So go a little deeper and ask a little more of yourself. You might be surprised. And allow how those things can coexist within you because as you can allow for that coexistence, everything feels more integrated and more accessible for living well today.

Enjoy your week!

All the Best,




#cocreate #cocreators #livingwelltoday #wordoftheweek

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