WOW: PAX (Peace) A Three-Step Process to Peace

three steps to peace pax with angela moonan

Creating a space between action and reaction, cause and effect… can change your life. This video has three steps as we make our way towards PAX (Peace). Step One: Pause Step Two: Pose (power pose) 2 minutes Step Three: PAX then you have peace You’ll be more resourceful and the situation just will seem to untie itself.

Hey there! When I do a word of the week, I typically do one or two. This one is three words that I want you to carry with you and give it a try. Because we live in a world where a lot of things can trigger us:  Other people, circumstances, the news, situations, work, kids, whatever it might be. And so in that moment, if you’d like to create space between what happens, the action and your reaction, give this a try. And it is ultimately we’re working towards our single word of Pax, which is Latin for ‘peace’. So the very first thing is pause. Pause, okay, take a breath. And this is a muscle like everything else. Just take a breath, pause. The next one is pose. And if you can step, just step away, fine. Two minutes. And just stand in your Superwoman or Superman, pose your power pose.

This increases your strength hormone testosterone, and decreases your stress hormone cortisol. It works that will center you and puts you in the present moment and in your power. And then you have the outcome of that is Pax peace. So recap quickly, it’s


Step One:  PAUSE, take a breath, step back

Step Two:  POSE – power pose, two minutes. It doesn’t prove to be more effective if you pose for longer than two minutes. So two minutes suffices, and then you have

Step Three: PAX then you have peace. And you can come back to this situation, the person, the debate, whatever it is, in a more resourceful, peaceful way. And watch as you show back up with PAX with peace, how the situation just seems to untie itself.

Wishing you PAX – PEACE wherever you go in the world

All the Best,




#PAX #peace #pause #powerpose #wordoftheweek #livingwelltoday

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