Monthly Archives: May 2024

WOW: When You Can Remain STEADFAST and True…

word of the week steadfast angela moonan

The word of the week is STEADFAST STEADFAST: A firm, unwavering commitment to one’s beliefs, courage, capabilities. While I often talk about the ability to receive, be flexible, the ‘YIN’ energy – this is the ‘YANG’ energy – knowing your own voice, knowing your own story and acting in harmony with that. There’s a beautiful […]

WOW: Word of the Week is THRIVE!

thrive is the word of the week with angela moonan for living well today

  Hey, it’s Word of the Week and this word you’ve heard me use in other context. And so I thought it’s time to let it stand on its own! And that word is THRIVE … vigorously grow, flourish in a healthy, positive way. Realizing your potential and your capabilities in a fulfilling way, thrive, […]

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