What are three things you can do right now to make today a “10”?

living well today have a 10 of a day good morning

living well today have a 10 of a day good morning

Do you have a scale on which you get to rate your day? This is a tool I began using nearly a decade ago. When I started, I had a lot of 3-4-5 days. Then as I began making a more conscious effort about benchmarking the quality of my work day … The number began to grow bigger. I started noting more 5’s and 6’s. Then 7’s and before long I was having 9’s and occasionally … AHA! a “10” day would indeed happen. Perfect!

  • The years’ profits may not be pacing as high as you’d hoped by today…
  • You may have quarreled with your teenager this morning before they left for school…
  • Maybe you stepped in a pothole and twisted your ankle getting into your car…
  • You may have just received your third customer complaint of the day… and it’s only 9 a.m.
  • Is there a parking ticket on your window ?…

C’est la vie… This is life.  Say YES to a beautiful mess.  Let it be so. It’s in your reaction (not the action itself) you get to shape the quality and experience of your day.

What makes for a “10”  Three Simple Steps to helping you ‘get there’:

1) Commit to the belief that YOU decide the quality of your day. Live from within. 

2) Decide that nothing is permanent, nothing is pervasive; and 99.99% of everything else that unfolds with others has absolutely nothing to do with you personally. 

3) Realize that you have a choice to write a better story for your day. How will the story read? Are you deciding to write a comedy, a mystery, or a drama? Anyone of them is ok… Just know that the story comes from you not the other way around.

Decide that on the way to perfect there’s going to be a little chaos. Sometimes more than other days. Today, when I wish someone a happy birthday on LinkedIn or Facebook I almost always remember to wish them a PERFECT day or say “make it a 10!” ​So the day may not be perfect … Isn’t it worth shooting for each and every day? Decide on it.  Live from within.  Here’s wishing you a 10!

Angela is a Corporate Storyteller.  Writing Signature Stories for you or for your company is her life’s work.  Trade in your story for a better one.   Start today! 315-559-5530. 

orig published in 2017 © Angela Moonan, LLC

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