Monthly Archives: January 2024

Aligning With Your Higher Self

angela moonan align your head and heart and alignment with your higher self for living well today

This is a true true story: Two mornings ago I had one of those 4 AM dreams where you wake up and it’s close to morning, but not late enough to get up yet… So you fall back to sleep – and when I did I had a dream. I dreamed I was dancing with […]

WOW: Simpatico, The Art of Harmonious Connection

simpatico the art of harmonious connection with angela moonan word of the week

Hello and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, whatever you may celebrate! It’s the beauty of the season and everyone gets to be simpatico with one another, simpatico with their family. We hope simpatico with clients, simpatico with employees, with their lovers, their partners, their friends, their children, simpatico. So that is our word of the week, […]

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