Tag Archives: word of the week

WOW: Word of the Week for Better Choices is Discernment

word of the week for living well today with angela moonan is discernment

Discernment: It’s in the day-to-day choices that we create balance, that we change our lives for the better. Hello, it’s WOW – Word of the Week time, and I love this word. I use it often. I don’t hear others use it very often, and we all could definitely benefit from the ACTION of it […]

WOW: Word of the Week will LIGHTEN you up!

word of the week from angela moonan for living well today is ILLUMINATE

WOW: Word of the Week Time! Hello! WOW: it’s Word of the Week time. Each week I offer some quick insights, something that might help you light up your day, light up your week for easier living, more joy and influence in a positive way for both yourself and your life and the quality of […]

WOW! Are you ready to feel LIGHTer?

angela moonan word of the week video illuminate living well today show

Word of the Week for feeling lighter and more at ease Hello, it’s Word of the Week time, and I’m Angela. Each week I offer some quick insights, something that might help you light up your day, light up your week for easier living, more joy and influence in a positive way for both yourself […]

WOW! Word of the Week: In Any Language this is a Beautiful Word

angela moonan word of the week blessing for living well today

The WOW (Word of the Week) is BLESSING Favor, gift, in God’s favor. In any language, “blessing” conjures a feeling of contentment, assuredness, gratitude. Count Your Blessings You know the phrase “Count your blessings.” So as you walk through the week, make intentional acknowledgement of your blessings each and every one, big and small. All […]

WOW! This Word of the Week Might Make You Go ‘Huh?’

So it’s that time! Word of the Week, and you’re going to hear it and you’re going to say, what? The word of the weak is: Surrender. You could say YIELD. You could say give in, go with the flow. Surrender. What does that feel like? Now you can frame it one way. You can […]

WOW! When You Can Do this, Life Gets Easier

when youm can abide life gets easier word of the week angela moonan

https://youtu.be/usuCoITQhNM When You Can Abide I’m sharing a really powerful word with you today, and that word is abide. And there’s a tendency to think of, ‘Oh, I’m going to abide by the rules’, meaning comply. And I guess there’s an essence of compliance in the word abide. I frame it a little differently, which […]

WOW! Word of the Week: Amazing!

word of the week angela moonan amazing

In the service of others and for your finest Self… look for and appreciate all that is AMAZING. >> Feel it in your body – shift your life by shifting the words you’re using to tell your story. Hello! Welcome to Living Well… Today. I’m Angela Moonan and I’m going to leave the comfort of my chair today […]

WOW! Word of the Week is Fascinating!

word of the week angela moonan fascinating

It’s WOW Time! Word of the Week starts with a question this week… What’s More Empowering? What feels more empowering? To be Frustrated ? or to be… FASCINATED When something’s fascinating you lean in, you take notice, you open up to learning something new. So whether with your employees, or a family member, or just […]


word of the week angela moonan magnificent

Ready to level up your business? 🙂 Your work? Your life? Are you ready for a more MAGNIFICENT journey? ​Hello and Welcome to Living Well… Today! Sharing a wonderful word with you today, and that word is MAGNIFICENT! Beyond beautiful, truly special, amazing to behold. It’s Magnificent! Typically, when you say the word, not only does it conjure […]

WOW! Word of the Week: Let a Little Magic Into Your Life

the power of believing law of attraction the magic of belieivng angela moonan

https://youtu.be/8aH874HNXqE Let A Little or A Lot of Magic Into Your Life – Hello and Welcome to Living Well… Today! Words have power. How much power do they possess?  A word like MAGIC? When you really FEEL it in your body… can transform the moment at the snap of your finger. It’s WOW – Word […]

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