Faith & Trust

faith and trust angela moonan

Hello! Faith and trust. They seemingly go hand in hand and they’re most tested in times of challenge. The greater the challenge, the greater the trust. So if you’re facing anything today in your life, in your work, in the world, that is a gauntlet of sorts, that is the time not to put more muscle […]

What Does It Mean to Be Mindful?

Word of the Week is MINDFUL 💙 Being present, intentional, understanding that all of your true power is right here right now, in this moment. It’s a word you’ve probably seen a lot in headlines lately. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on LinkedIn or Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Time Magazine. It’s everywhere. And that is […]

WOW! Word of the Week: In Any Language this is a Beautiful Word

angela moonan word of the week blessing for living well today

The WOW (Word of the Week) is BLESSING Favor, gift, in God’s favor. In any language, “blessing” conjures a feeling of contentment, assuredness, gratitude. Count Your Blessings You know the phrase “Count your blessings.” So as you walk through the week, make intentional acknowledgement of your blessings each and every one, big and small. All […]

WOW! Word of the Week: RESILIENCE

word of the week is resilience with angela moonan for living well today Resilience for Living Well… Today! It’s WOW Time! Word of the Week. This word I think, has been demonstrated by so many of us these days in particular. But I believe that it’s one of the finest things that you can continue to cultivate within yourself. And it can only be strengthened, it can […]

What are three things you can do right now to make today a “10”?

living well today have a 10 of a day good morning

Do you have a scale on which you get to rate your day? This is a tool I began using nearly a decade ago. When I started, I had a lot of 3-4-5 days. Then as I began making a more conscious effort about benchmarking the quality of my work day … The number began to […]

WOW! This Word of the Week Might Make You Go ‘Huh?’

So it’s that time! Word of the Week, and you’re going to hear it and you’re going to say, what? The word of the weak is: Surrender. You could say YIELD. You could say give in, go with the flow. Surrender. What does that feel like? Now you can frame it one way. You can […]

2023: Beautiful, Bountiful, Blessed

a new day

Can you believe that we are blessed to walk together for the year 2023? I recently sent the following note of enouragement to clients and colleagues I have the pleasure of co-creating with. Now I’m sharing with you too Friend… if you’re landing here to read this, it’s meant especially for you as well! First […]

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